Private Tutoring
Individual Instruction - Grades K - 5
One-on-one (1-hour) tutoring sessions for students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 5. The CLASSROOM creates a positive learning environment by providing a safe and supportive space where children feel comfortable taking risks and asking for help. The teachers set clear expectations and provide regular feedback. Teachers work with students and families to develop personalized learning strategies. We help your child become an efficient learner by focusing on their strengths and giving them unique strategies that work with their learning style.

Summer Success Program Grades 1-5
$215/course ($35/session)
Summer Success Program (SSP) Want your child to avoid the summer slide? Interested in private tutoring but your child feels more comfortable in a group setting? The SSP might be the perfect fit for your student. This arrangement enables the teaching to focus exclusively on a small number of learners, creating a safe and engaging experience as concepts are reviewed and gaps are bridged to the next grade level.

New! Homeschool Support
For individual students or small groups.
Flexible morning schedule for homeschool families.
Are you a homeschool parent who needs help? Now offering weekly tutoring sessions specifically designed for homeschooled students, grades K-5. Is your child a part of a homeschool co-op and you would like the group to learn together? We offer small-group tutoring sessions of up to five students.
Students have the same teacher every session.

Preschool Summer Camps
M-F, 9:30am - 11:45am
Ages 3-5
Preschool Summer Camps
Everyone deserves a great summer, so we have exciting preschool summer camps for our youngest learners! For ages 3-5, the CLASSROOM provides weekly themed experiences that include hands-on learning experiences and a whole lot of FUN!